QUEBEC - By not taking "all means to prevent" the passage of nuclear waste on the St. Lawrence River, the Charest left federal "pass over our bodies and our rights trampled, accused the opposition Parti Quebecois.
In question period Wednesday, PQ member Bernard Drainville criticized the Environment Minister, Pierre Arcand, who has pleaded powerless to prevent the transit of radioactive steam generators 16 on the St. Lawrence because the transportation on the waterways is a federal responsibility.
"It's not the federal government to decide what will happen on the St. Lawrence is to Quebecers to decide it, has outraged Mr. Drainville. It was a degree of sovereignty over the St. Lawrence, then it's your job to enforce it. We have the right to say no, we have a duty to say no. "
Mr. Arcand replied that he complained that Quebec was not involved in this case, but that federal authorities had offered any response on Wednesday morning to check the documents of the Canadian Board (CNSC) for its decision to authorize the application by Bruce Power.
Moreover, "we are in communication with the president of the Cities Alliance Great Lakes and St. Lawrence to discuss the possibility of forming a coalition to make us hear from the federal government," said Minister of Environment, adding "very concerned" about the situation.
Bernard Drainville became hot: "We march to the federal body, trample our rights on the river (the Minister) speaks beg for a consultation: we'll try, we'll try ... This is not the time to try, there is time to assert itself, it's time to say we have a say, that what happens on the river, it is not just in Ottawa to decide that! "
Mr. Arcand, very back too, has countered that "we do not need to be told what to do, we know very well being able to defend Quebecers' interests and we will continue to do hard foot. " He reiterated his intention to voice his objections to the CNSC and federal authorities.
The PQ member Lorraine Richard predicted that failure to obtain the cancellation of the permit granted to Bruce Power, Quebec will become "the path of nuclear waste disposal in Ontario."
Note that the CNSC considers the risk of radioactive contamination is "negligible." The federal Minister of Natural Resources, Christian Paradis, also claimed "one stop scaring people."
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