Thursday, February 3, 2011

Google accused Microsoft of plagiarism

Two computer giants are engaged in a dispute that could take place in a school, Google accused Microsoft of copying its search results. That Google has launched hostilities on Tuesday. "I spent my career to develop a good search engine. I have no problem to see a competitor to develop an algorithm that innovates. But for me, copying is not innovation, "said Amit Singhal at Search Engine Land blog.
Google says that Bing, the Microsoft search engine, monitors search terms on Google in the Internet, takes Google results and uses them to improve their own results.
Microsoft to take on the fact, Google has created false research results on invented queries (eg "hiybbprqag). On his blog, the Mountain View company affirms that an a few weeks later, Bing gave for this query the same search result as his wacky.
This is a "pale imitation," writes Amit Singhal on the official Google blog.
Microsoft denies the allegations of its competitor. "We use more than a thousand signals and different features in our algorithm, defends Microsoft in a long post. "We do not copy the result sets of Google, also said a spokesperson from Microsoft site ZDNet.

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