Monday, January 31, 2011

Deficiencies in omega-3 linked to depressive behavior

The consequences of deficits in essential fatty acids of maternal diet on the brain of her child are not known. However it is known that the deficiency in omega 3 is involved in many diseases.
Researchers at INSERM and INRA researchers associated with Spanish forwards to mice a diet low in omega 3 fatty acids. They found that reduced levels of omega-3 decreased function of neurons involved in controlling emotional behavior.
In industrialized countries, diets are poorer in essential fatty acids since the early twentieth century. In particular, there is an imbalance, marked by a deficiency of Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in favor of omega 6 fatty acids polyonsaturés. These fatty acids are fats "essential" because the body can not synthesize. They must be made by the diet. However, fats are essential to the functioning of the nervous system and balance must be preserved in the brain.
Researchers at INRA and INSERM (Bordeaux, Marseille) have hypothesized that chronic malnutrition from the intrauterine development, influences the activity of neurons involved in emotional behavior, depression, anxiety, ... to adulthood.
To test their hypothesis, researchers have to follow a diet of mice reflecting the imbalance between Omega 3 and Omega 6. They found that the deficit of Omega 3 in the brain disrupts nerve transmission. This neuronal dysfunction is accompanied by depressive behavior in these mice malnourished. "Our results corroborate the present clinical and epidemiological studies have demonstrated associations between an imbalance Oméga3/Oméga6 and mood disorders, explains Olivier Manzoni (INSERM) and Sophie Layé (INRA) who led the study . To determine whether the deficits in Omega 3 are responsible for these neuropsychiatric disorders, further studies are obviously necessary. "

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